Mission High School - San Francisco
Mission High School - San Francisco

News & Events

July 25, 2006

Milagro vision of a college prep school for underserved children...

We have just been told of the Canal Alliance’s plan and timeline for the creation of a 6th-12th grade college prep school to serve children in San Rafael. The Canal Alliance school mission is to create a dynamic college prep alternative school located in San Rafael’s Canal area for underserved children.

Because of our belief in Canal Alliance and our wish for them to succeed, we do not feel it would best serve San Rafael children to start Santana Academy at the same time. Nor do we wish to compete with a vision so similar to our own and we look forward to offering the Milagro Foundation’s support to the Canal Alliance school.

Our gratitude is immense to everyone who worked with us to vision and dream for the best education for our children. We especially treasure Laura Cox for her committed partnership in our planning and Sue Devinny for her thorough statistical research. Throughout this process, we continued to learn--about the complexities of starting a school; the level of interest and support offered by Marin County residents; the required long-term commitment and personnel it would take to sustain and provide an enriched independent school program for students.

The Milagro Foundation will continue our legacy to provide grants to agencies that serve children around the world in the areas of the arts, education and health, giving hope, love and kindness to all.

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